Who Knew?

In countless stories in the Bible, we are able to witness the sovereignty of God. However, have you ever taken the time to appreciate just how sovereign He is in your life? Recently, I have gained a new appreciation for God's sovereignty. Seven years ago as I was preparing to graduate college, I prayed and... Continue Reading →

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Obeying God Even When You Don’t Feel Like It

In this post I want to be transparent with my path to purpose – in this journey there are many great days where you get to see God’s vision manifesting, but the journey will not come without its share of struggles. It has been nearly eight months since I’ve written my first blog post. This... Continue Reading →

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Leadership Lesson: Lead Who God Has Called You To Lead

The success of every great team is contingent upon its leader. As a leader your team looks to you to make decisions to ensure their success. So, it is pivotal that you take deep consideration into each leadership opportunity you choose to pursue and ensure that it is an assignment that God has called you... Continue Reading →

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